Caroline, a short film from Elo Films, a husband/wife production company led by Celine Held and Logan George is part of the Cannes Film Festival! Congratulations! They are one of Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces of Independent Film of 2017. Caroline is…
What’s Up?! Francis Ford Coppola Supports Short Film
What’s up, good people?! Our gold-medal worthy movie and short film news blog is here, but we’ll accept your cheers. Legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola recently relaunched his virtual studio Coppola founded the site way back in 1997 as…
What’s Up?! Scandal, The ‘Cannes Queen’ And Short Film Fests
What’s up good people?! It’s a new week and we have the scoop on the entertainment and short film news you need. Much to the dismay of Gladiators worldwide, there will be no Scandal this Fall. But it’s for a…
What’s Up!!? Cannes 2015 Short Film Winner
The short film winner for the Cannes 2015 Film Festival is Waves ’98 by Ely Dagher. And, we are back!! It’s been quite a dry spell and we’ve missed sharing a lot…we missed talking about Tribeca, lots of regional festivals and…