What’s Up! 2forStew #Premiere!

Hilarity by definition, according to a Google search, is: həˈle(ə)ritē/ noun extreme amusement, especially when expressed by laughter. “his incredulous expression was the cause of much hilarity” synonyms: amusement, mirth, laughter, merriment, lightheartedness, levity, fun, humor, jocularity, jollity, gaiety, delight,…

What’s Up! Its a PREMIERE! (and googlehangout)

GO TO itsashort.com and register for the #premiere of Marcus Dúpree’s #short ‘Junior’ and join us for the after-party #Google #Hangout with Marcus himself and more! Use the code ‘film’! itsashort.com   http://youtu.be/rNNhZ_Z9Du0

What’s Up! If only ….

Was it The Color of her Dress, the look in her eye, a stolen glance…can he conquer his fears and live his dream? Writer, director, James Poirier’s #short film is on our itsashort.com platform! Subscribe today and check it out!…

What’s Up?: ‘Shorts’ Win big at the Oscars

The Oscars had some amazing moments: Jared Leto, Lupita N’yong’o and Matthew Mcconaughey’s speeches were powerful, moving and poignant. They were filler, though for the announcement of the winners in the ‘shorts’ category and we were not disappointed! #itsashort Mr.…