Happy Get Lucky, the ‘sick’ Pharrell Williams song is being used as the sound track for totally cool videos. How this song inspires artists is amazing and so encouraging. Today, we have two very different examples, the first is a mashup, but mostly Pharrell’s work. Using a series of white pieces of card board….the artists create different scenes but projects images of themselves onto the cardboard, totally cool….you have to check out the video. The second is a piece for Howard University and it promotes the university and it’s student life. It probably helps that Pharrell’s Mom is part of the Howard University community, but still, totally cool idea!! The students are of all ages, the faculty and administrative staff also participate and it reallyshow a very fun place that people want to be.
The Mashup
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7X8ZnmLfM0&w=560&h=315]
And, The Howard University Blast
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCD4gBNOD28&w=560&h=315]
Be on the look out for more of these pieces where people use the song as the music track for a totally cool video. For more cool stuff like this, go to itsashort.com, register for the launch of the site; like us on FB: itsashort and please follow us on twitter: itsashort….maybe we should do a ‘Happy’ video compilation…naw….