I don’t know if this would be my choice of next steps, but I imagine it’s what some people think? Evelyn Black, the title of an award winning short film by Michael Foster, a very talented filmmaker who currently makes Charlotte, North Carolina, home.
Evelyn Black will premiere online on itsashort.com, July 23, 2014 at 9 EDT/8 CDT/6 PDT…that’s PM ya’ll.
But what is it really about, power, anger, or some kind of …I don’t know…need to do justice? And, maybe that’s the real question, what is justice and what are the rules of justice…?
Evelyn Black…the trailer
[vimeo 59264340 w=500 h=281]
Evelyn Black Official Trailer (Full HD) from The Michael Foster Experience on Vimeo.
And Then….
Join us after the screening for a live google hangout/twitterchat with Michael Foster, other members of the cast and crew as we talk about the inspiration for the short film, Evelyn Black. We will also be joined by representatives from two of the festivals where Evelyn Black screened, Montreal International Black Film Festival and the Charlotte Black Film Festival.
Use the hashtag #evelynblack to tweet your questions and more importantly your thoughts about justice.
For those of you joining us for the first time…welcome to itsashort.com! We are the ‘go to’ spot for award winning short film, video and webseries. We exists to support artists and to introduce you, the viewer to content you need to know! We believe that artists should be able, like the rest of us, to make a living by living their passion. We know you share that view and want to see more, hear more, experience more…so what does that mean?
You gotta buy a ticket! It’s only $2 and it includes a month long subscription to itsashort.com. You gotta watch the movie and then…join us to meet Michael and his crew!
We will post instructions for tickets on FB and in our next blog post…for now, save the date, July 23, 2014!