The Holderness Family, remember them, or do you know them? Check out the 2013 Holiday video….because on Monday, December 22, 2014 will premiere their 2014 video!!! And, then following the premiere there will be a live streamed hangout with the family! Totally can’t miss this because they are amazing and funny and happy!
Kim or Mom was in the movie Ironman3 and Penn, the Dad, was a real news anchor who decided to leave his ‘gig’ and join his wife to run their production company and spend time developing more amazing videos. The result, they just signed on for a TV series!!! We think they will be the ‘family friendly’ version of the ‘Kardashians’!!
We also just love their work, their energy and the deeply rooted commitment to ‘hip hop’ as a prime tool for communication! Check out their GMA and Today shows appearances, as we say, you feel me?!
[youtube] is ‘the’ distribution platform for amazing, award winning short film, video and web series. We are excited to welcome the Holderness family and introduce our subscribers to something new. We love their story, it is something everyone fantasizes about: what would happen if you really followed your true passion, that’s the essence of itsashort…showcasing people who follow their passion and create something amazing. Please join us on Monday, December 22, 2104 in welcoming The Holderness Family to!!