The long awaited list of Shorts for the Sundance Film Festival is released!There are 66 shorts this year and they fall into four distinct categories: US Narrative, International Narrative, Animation and Documentary. The US shorts seem to all deal with some variation of a heartbreaking moment which is the tension point for the drama of the short…there are others that truly capture real life moments or true stories, but again kind of sad. will be at Sundance tracking these artists to learn more about their work, their inspiration and their experiences.
This weeks featured Short Film on the platform is Short Story About Luck. We love this short film, it was part of the First Glance Online Short Film Contest this fall. It totally changes the way you think about Luck!
Short Story About Luck TRAILER from Nathaniel Czarnecki on Vimeo. Nathaniel Czarnecki is an amazing artist from Krakow Poland. Short film and commercial work for major brands have been his primary focus.
Panamanian International Film Festival just finished its festival run December 4, 2017 in Los Angeles. Check out the festival in its third year…the industry panels look spot on! We are huge fans of Angela McCrae and the other amazing panelists!
As we gear up for the 2018 festival season, we have to be thankful for a great 2017. We met many new artists and went to many festivals this year. We continue to partner with new festivals every week and look forward to introducing everyone to new artists. There were so many new shorts and features and a trend we love which is that short film are more often premiering in large theaters ahead of a major feature film.
Tinsel and Tine published a post about an amazing environmental film festival in Philadelphia. Our favorite was a film titled A Plastic Ocean, available on Vimeo. Seems like the strategy for using the ocean as a site for refuse has serious consequences! Ocean trash has become a major issue…thanks to the documentary filmmakers for this thoughtful piece.
A Plastic Ocean
A Plastic Ocean from Brainstorm Media on Vimeo.
At the work of the artists is what we celebrate and finding ways to share their work with our audiences….well that’s what we do!