Caroline, a short film from Elo Films, a husband/wife production company led by Celine Held and Logan George is part of the Cannes Film Festival! Congratulations! They are one of Filmmaker Magazine’s 25 New Faces of Independent Film of 2017. Caroline is one of 8 short films in competition for the prestigious Palme D’or for short film award. The Cannes Film Festival starts it’s 71st year May 8, 2018. The link is the short film competition phseThe award will be announced May 19, 2018.
In preparation for this work, Held and George spent hours talking with homeless people all over NYC. Click here for the trailer and scroll down to see the 50 vignettes of the homeless profiled, all from the 5 boroughs of NYC.
Drama precedes the film festival…Netflix has withdrawn all five submissions protesting the fact that they, because they are a streaming platform, do not meet the film criteria to be competitive at Cannes. The issue is whether a film has physically screened in a theatre…not the case for Netflix because they don’t screen, they stream. What a ‘dust up’!!
Kansas City Film Festival
Kansas City Film Festival just concluded! The short film winners were announced and here are links to two of our favorites…okay not the links to the films…but to the trailers…they are in festival, people! The first is Best Heartland Documentary Short. KCFF always recognizes local Heartland…generally means someone from the community, in this case, the amazing Anthony Ladesich for his short film Forty Five: The Search for Soul. The second winner and there were several, is Bridge by Jem Moore, an amazing musician and photographer, more-so known for music short films and documentaries. For the complete listing, click here.
On the itsashort front, we are hosting our first ‘offline’ event! The ‘scene of the crime’ is the Lawndale Cinema where we will screen 5 Chicago Made Shorts! The event will be held on May 3, 2018 at 6. We get lots of requests to host offline events, this is a screening that will include a Q/A with the filmmakers and a Masterclass for filmmakers.
Our Short Film This Week
Go Big by Jonathan Leach! Click the link to see the short film on the platform. It’s a wonderful short film, 5 minutes, about this amazing young man who is a ‘yoyoist?’ Check it out, its a yo yo that does not have a string attached. Jonathan Leach is a Chicago based Filmmaker, part of the DePaul film community. To quote Jonathan: ‘I am also fascinated with subversion, experimental, and genre bending. Political engagement and cultural awareness are important to me and permeate in much of my work.’ So, get to know Jonathan Leach and check out his amazing short film!
Tinsel and Tine
Once again, our sister blog, Tinsel and Tine is actively supporting the saving the Brass Ribbon Cinema, a vintage theatre in Philadephia. Please check out their post on this wonderful theatre, and if you are from the kickstarter campaign!