Happy New Year everyone! This weekend is the Golden Globes and the beginning of awards season. Golden Globes don’t yet recognize short film. We will fix that! Sunday we learn the winners! itsashort will live tweet during the show…starting of course with the red carpet. We hope everyone had a richly experienced moment to ‘bring in the New Year’ including all expressions of gratitude! 2018 is going to be amazing for artists, film fans and festivals.
To begin, let’s talk about the Palm Springs Film Festival that opened on January 2 in Palm Springs. We write about the festival because they will have a wonderful event with Gary Oldman, the actor from The Darkest Hour as one of the signature events of this festival.
The Darkest Hour
Its interesting that Winston Churchill has enjoyed such a reemergence these last few years…there was a time when he was not as visible or as highly regarded but fortunately history always records and re-records. While we love this festival, our favorite Palm springs event is of course Shorts Fest! That’s in June of 2018. They are open for submissions via the usual Film Freeway and Without a Box. They’ve created a chance to see some of the shorts from last year, below is the link to 1 short film we really liked.
La Madre Buena (The Good Mother) Film from Sarah Clift on Vimeo.
Political commentary and cultural expression are the story but told in a wonderful, simple way which makes a great short film. The short film will seem simple but the simple elegance of this short film tells the right set of stories.
Jared Crowelle is the director of the short film Bro on the itsashort.com platform. The short film is featured in the lounge of the itsashort.com platform and is the story of two brothers: one recently released from prison and the relationship and sense of responsibility he has and feels for his younger brother. No surprise…and the younger brother…classic, basically always competing with his older Brother…tries to be his own ‘man’ with insane consequences…what was he really up against…is the question the movie asks. Poignant and ‘real’, its a rich 18 minutes that inspires all of us to think and rethink the question: What’s Going On?
Time Up Now
Times Up Now Just as we are going to print, the women of Hollywood have announced a newly formed non-profit that includes a Legal Defense Fund and an organization to combat sexual harassment and other ‘isms’. To quote Reese Witherspoon: when we stand together, we can accomplish a great deal. We along with our sister blog: Tinsel and Tine fully and warmly support this amazing effort and stand ready to do whatever we can.