The FirstGlance online short film contest hosted on the website ends this Tuesday, April 10, 2018. The online contest follow the FirstGlance SpringFilm Festival in Los Angeles. The winner of this years spring contest will be announced next month. There are 10 amazing short films in the contest, the artists are from around the world, some humor, some horror and a little sci-fi just to keep it interesting.
The In Motion Film Festival, in it’s 4th year was one of its best festivals ever! Three days of filming, conferences and a keynote discussion by Deanna Haggag, CEO of United States Artists.
Young Like Us
One of our favorite short films on the platform. It was the first and therefore pilot for a web series. Three young women who are singer song writers working through music ideas and not a hard struggle but definitely stretching, straining to create something…meet a friend who seems to have it all. Check it out here in the lobby of