Woman’s Independent Filmmaker Project
A Maasai Woman’s Journey from the Village to an Urban Center
Alison Duke is an amazing filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. She has had an unabiding interest in learning more about African women and particularly the Maasai Women. This piece, a documentary in development, explores the journey of one Maasai woman from her village in Kenya to Toronto.
What makes this woman’s independent film project so great?
For Alison, this is a deeply personal story of determination, drive, courage and ultimately personal victory. Beautifully filmed in the true colors of the village, the trailer shares with the viewers the extraordinary brilliance of the village. There is some dialogue mainly from this young woman who tells her story through the eyes and sense of promise of the village elders.
No woman has ever left the village to go to ‘university’ She navigates the university and the city, using public transportation, and finds her way to a very different and new life. She studies, she marries and she prepares for her graduation. Her parents will come for the graduation, a trip supported by the entire village.
Woman’s Independent Filmmaker Project Purpose
Allison Duke, as the filmmaker, seeks to share key ideas like the interest to enroll in ‘university’ a concept so foreign to the members of her village, not as an unknown idea, but as a dream that seems so far away from the daily existence of the village families. Allison shares a key idea and the celebration of the independence, drive and courage of women and this Maasai woman.
Also, the idea that life in the city is very different from life in the village: shopping, transportation and the ultimate photo shoot where her dress combines the traditional dress of the village and the dress required living in the ‘dead of winter’ in Toronto. Alison beautifully contrast the daily living experiences of women in the village and women in the city. Truth, women can adapt to any environment when creating new future pathways designed to ensure opportunity for other women from the village.
Watch the trailer below and look for the announcement of the kickstarter campaign to fund the completion of the documentary.
[brightcove vid=1846122823001&exp3=686821939001&surl=http://c.brightcove.com/services&pubid=681630997001&pk=AQ~~,AAAAnrRfmgk~,5GgQICPKXrYMOqnO1uq5oBhMmoetOVVz&w=480&h=270] One woman’s journey from her village to an urban center.
To watch more short film like this piece, go to www.indiefilmz.com